Easy Way to Start with EKS using eksctl tool

Easy Way to Start with EKS using eksctl tool

using eksctl tool

Easy way to start with AWS EKS Cluster Creation using EKSCTL TOOL :

eksctl is a simple CLI tool for creating and managing clusters on EKS - Amazon's managed Kubernetes service for EC2. It is written in Go, uses CloudFormation, was created by Create a basic cluster in minutes with just one command

Type 1 : Default

eksctl create cluster

NOTE: Here eksctl will create a cluster using default values of the AWS Account.

Type 2 : Using yaml file creation

And we can also use a createcluster.yaml file mean we can create a cluster using a yaml file and can run to create a whole cluster.

eksctl create cluster -f createcluster.yaml --profile EKS_USER

Below is the yaml file details :

apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig
  name: basic-cluster
  region: us-east-1
  - name: ng-1
    instanceType: t2.micro
    desiredCapacity: 2
  - name: ng-2
    instanceType: t2.micro
    desiredCapacity: 2


Step 1: Download eksctl from the link given below https://github.com/weaveworks/eksctl/releases/download/v0.103.0/eksctl_Windows_amd64.zip

Once downloaded extract it you will get the eksctl.exe file Step 2: Now place this eksctl.exe file in C:/programfiles/eksctl folder and add this URL to Environment variables so you can access this file anywhere in your local system. Step 3 : Configure you AWS Credentials by running below commands

aws  configure --profile EKS_USER

Now add the Access-key and Secret-key that you will get when you will create a new User in AWS IAM.

Step 4: Now create a EKS Cluster using CLI. Using Default Values. To check the successful installation of eksctl :

eksctl version

eksctl  create cluster --profile EKS_USER --name mycluster



eksctl delete cluster --profile EKS_USER --name mycluster

Step 5 : Now we can create a Cluster using YAML file create a yaml file like below i.e Type 2:


eksctl create cluster -f eks-cluster.yaml --profile EKS_USER

NOTE: This will create a Cloudformation stack and execute it. You can check the cloudformation events and resources created by it in console Once you get a success message in terminal like below you can check in AWS Console of the resources created.
